So happy to finally announce what I have been working with some time now!!!

It all startet with me getting an email from a Naga woman from Northeast India, Easterine Kire, telling me that she had come across my music and just loved it. She said that she was a poet, and asked me if I could be interested in making music to her poems. 

I have never written music to anything but my own words, so I was wondering how that would feel to do. Getting inside someone else's head, and this head and mind even belonging to a woman from so far away with other stories to tell. And I imagined that her stories would be very different from my own. Could we even connect as artists? 

I started to read, and the more I read the more certain I became: This is really something I wanted to do! And as the project went forward, we found that we actually are so alike in how we feel and see the world. It became more and more obvious that we both love and need this project, and as we often say to each other: This feeds our souls!

We are now just in the beginning of our journey together and I would love to show you all the good stuff at once, but you have to wait. Our plan is to release an album and a book in autumn 2025. Then there will be a tour in Norway before we are planning a tour in India/Nagaland Desember 2025/January 2026

Easterine has been living in Tromsø since 2005, and stays some part of the year in Northeast India. She has a big production, both poetry and novels written over nearly 5 decades. Her work has been translated to a lot of languages, and her list of awards and prices is long. I am just so honored that she chose me to be her companion! 

Read more about her here: